Congratulations to Ph.D. Student Laura Carolina De Moya-Guerra for publishing a new article, "La viuda migrante de Zahlé y sus hijos: migración árabe a Barranquilla, Colombia, 1900-1945" in the Península Semi-Annual Magazine.
Laura is a PhD Student in the History Department at Rutgers University. She is interested in migrations and diasporas in Colombia in the XX century, especially in the Colombian Caribbean. Laura received her Bachelor of Arts in Political Science (2016) with honors and her Master of Arts in History (2019) from Universidad del Norte (Barranquilla-Colombia). She has worked as a Teaching Assistant and as a Research Assistant.
A summary of her new work can be found below:
Amelia Zathar de Traad, a widow and mother of six, left her hometown Zahlé, in Lebanon, to migrate to Barranquilla, Colombia. Soon, her sons formed a commercial company that concentrated on real estate, borrow money, and stock businesses. The study of the case of Amelia and her family allows us to expand the limited profile of Arab immi-grants constructed by historiography, described as young single men that where dedicated mainly to the buying and selling of merchandise. This text checks over notarial protocols and demonstrates that not all the Arab immigrants who arrived in Colombia were men, nor did they engage in commerce.
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